Our dental health is of paramount importance. However, tooth decay and chipping have proven unavoidable for most of us owing to our unconscious habits (such as grinding of teeth and clenching of our jaws) as well as natural wear and tear.
When your teeth have so deteriorated that you are unable to chew or bite correctly, you have several options, among them being the use dental crowns. Extensive degradation of teeth can reduce their effectiveness and even worse, it can cause the dreaded toothaches.
A dental crown is a cap fitted over a tooth. Once cemented in place, they form a protective covering over the entire tooth, helping to enhance the structural integrity and life of your teeth.
When to Use Dental Crowns
#1. Dental crowns are generally used on teeth that suffered a great amount of damage. As such, they are used to hold together a cracked tooth owing to decay, especially when the tooth is not strong enough to support tooth fillings.
#2. They are also one of the best dental solutions when most part of the tooth has broken off. Since dental crowns cover the entire tooth, they can replace the missing portions of a broken or chipped tooth efficiently.
#3. They are also used to hold dental bridges in place. This is typically used when the surrounding teeth are not strong enough.
#4. They are also used for cosmetic purposes. For individuals with deformed or discoloured teeth, dental crowns can be used to improve their appearance.
#5. They are also used in children that have a bad case of tooth decay. This is also a good option for teeth that are too small to support dental fillings.
Types of Dental Crowns
Although the general concept of using dental crowns is to install a protective cup around a tooth, the variety of materials available for use yields different outcomes. As such, not all dental crowns are the same as some perform better than others. It is thus important to understand the various options available as well as their performances before installing them.
Metal Crown
Metal alloys such as gold, nickel, and chromium alloy, offer extreme longevity due to their resistance to wear and tear. More importantly, they least affect other surrounding teeth by causing wear. However, due to the metallic lustre, these types of dental crowns are best used on teeth that are out of sight, such as the molar teeth.
All-Porcelain and All-Ceramic Crowns
These types of crowns provide better colour matching than any of the other materials. They come closest to the natural colour of teeth. Additionally, they are hypoallergenic. As such, they are the best choice for people with metal allergies.
This crown has porcelain outer layer and a metal base, combining the durability of metal crowns porcelain’s natural colour. However, you should note that this particular crown is still susceptible to chipping and fractures, especially the porcelain top-layer of the crown.
All Resin Crown
This crown is the least durable as well as the least expensive. They are typically used as temporary crowns owing to their susceptibility to fractures and chipping.
With the above in mind, we can note that dental crowns offer tangible advantages with regard to improving your bite and the health and appearance of your teeth. If you’re unsure as to which type of dental crown is best for you, give us a call or drop by for a visit. We will make sure you get the one that best suits your needs.
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