Covid-19 News and Updates
Date: Sunday, 27 June 2021
Following the NSW Government’s stay-at-home orders until 11.59pm on Friday, 9 July 2021, we have now received advice from NSW Health and Australian Dental Association NSW, that providing medical care (including dental care) to the community is considered an essential reason for leaving home under stay-at-home orders.
Our clinic will remain open to providing dental services during this period however, we request our patients:
- That all patients and accompanying visitors please wear a mask at all times.
- Please check-in on the ServiceNSW app on arrival.
- If you have any cold or flu-like symptoms, please let us know and re-schedule your appointment.
- If you or a household member have been to a venue of concern, please let us know and re-schedule your appointment.
- Please wait outside if you notice 4 or more people in the reception lounge area.
⏰ If you have an appointment on or before 9th July 2021, we will contact you progressively over the next week to update you on specific changes and instructions to be followed prior to your appointment.
Rest assured that we will always continue to maintain the strictest of infection control protocols, follow social distancing, mask, and other health guidelines, and screen all patients before the appointment and when they arrive.
Thank you for your support once again and we appreciate your understanding.
Date: Friday 24th April 2020
After the recent announcement by our Prime Minister and NSW Premier, the restrictions on dental services have been changed to Level 2 effective from Monday 27th April 2020.
???? This means we can start seeing patients again on a limited capacity. This includes for:
???? Examinations
???? Cleans using hand-instruments
???? Fluoride Treatment
???? Restorative procedures including root canal under isolation
???? Non-surgical extractions
???? Dentures and provision of splints & mouthguards
???? Orthodontic treatment
???? Other procedures that are unlikely to generate aerosols or where aerosols generated can be controlled
Thank you for your patience during this difficult period. ❤️ In order to maintain the strictest of infection control standards our practice will be operating limited hours between Monday and Friday. ⏰
☎️ We will be in contact with you progressively to schedule your next dental appointment. This may take some time, so please feel free to call us on (02) 9419 5506 if you would like to schedule your check-up or incomplete treatment and we will assess if it can be completed under the current restrictions.
Once again thank you for your understanding! ????
Date: Wednesday 25th March 2020
Dear valued patient
Further to our update on 18th March 2020, we have been carefully watching the situation surrounding COVID-19 in Australia and are particularly concerned by the recent spike in confirmed COVID-19 cases in New South Wales.
The health and well-being of our staff, doctors and patients is our priority, and we believe we have an important role to play in the prevention of the COVID-19 spread.
After much deliberation, we have made a decision to restrict our dental service, until further notice, to only provide urgent and emergency dental treatments. Please kindly note we will only be able to provide treatment to patients who do not meet the clinical criteria for COVID-19 and are not confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases. We will still be undertaking a thorough pre-screening at the time of booking.
All other treatments over this period will be postponed, and we will contact you shortly to reschedule your appointment.
We will remain open to serve our patients in need. You can call us on (02) 9419 5506 between 8.30am and 1pm Monday to Friday, or email us at
We have no doubt that you understand the gravity of this decision, which was not made lightly. However, at a time like this, what is most important is our collective efforts to "flatten the curve" and to keep our loved ones safe. We have no doubt we will get through this, and we are looking forward to being able to provide the same level of dental care to all our patients as soon as it is safe to do so.
We will continue to provide regular updates through email, social media and our website.
Thank you for your support over the years, and we appreciate your understanding in this difficult time.
Kind regards
Dr. Sakshi Gupta
Principal Dentist
Simply Dental Chatswood
Date: Wednesday 18th March 2019
Dear valued patient
As of Wednesday 18 March 2020, the Australian government's latest update regarding COVID-19 is that "We are going to keep Australia running. We are going to keep Australia functioning".
We are committed to continue to serve our community, and our new and existing patients at this unprecedented time however to protect you, your family and our staff from the COVID-19 pandemic, we are following and adopting preventative measures from the Department of Health.
We kindly ask that you reschedule your appointment if you are experiencing fever, cough, shortness of breath, have returned from overseas within the last 14 days, or have been in contact with someone diagnosed with or testing for COVID-19 infection. Your privacy will be respected.
Preparing for your appointment
- To facilitate maximum Social Distancing, your next appointment may be rescheduled to minimise the number of people in the reception area at any one time. Please be punctual for your appointment and please limit to no more than one additional person accompanying the patient.
- We ask that any additional family members or friends wait outside the office.
- You will be called by one of our friendly staff a day prior to your appointment to answer pre-screening questions. These questions include
- Have you been in contact with any confirmed case of COVID-19?
- Are you currently in self-isolation or quarantine?
- Have you had any flu/cold like symptoms (fever/cough) or feel unwell?
- Have you travelled overseas in the last 2 weeks?
Infection Control
- Australia has one of the best standards of infection control in place, and we follow it very strictly.
- We have always used approved cleaning products and disinfection protocols for wiping all surfaces in our treatment rooms. Additionally, we use ultrasonic cleaning pressure and an autoclave to sterilise and track all our instruments and apply disposable barriers where required.
Temporary Changes In Reception Area
- We have hand sanitisers available throughout the clinic, so please ask us anytime.
- We have reduced the number of chairs in our reception area to allow for maximum spacing.
- We have removed all communal items that may be touched by multiple people throughout the day such as magazines and brochures.
Additional Measures
- You will be asked to sanitise your hands using TGA approved alcohol based hand gel prior to be seated in the dental chair and also at the end of your appointment prior to exiting the surgery.
- Before treatment, you will be asked to use a disinfectant mouthwash (1% Hydrogen Peroxide) for 20 seconds
- Prior to each appointment, we will disinfect all surfaces that patients and staff may come in contact with. This includes but is not limited to reception area chairs, all door handles, EFTPOS terminal, pens, reception counter and more.
At this stage, we will continue with our normal business hours. We are closely monitoring the situation as it unfolds and should there be any change, we endeavour to communicate as soon as possible.
Please follow us on social media @simplydentalchatswood for the latest updates.
Kind regards
Dr. Sakshi Gupta
Principal Dentist
Simply Dental Chatswood