What Is Bupa?
Bupa is an international healthcare group that provides health insurance and healthcare services in over 190 countries, aiming to make quality healthcare accessible. Bupa was formed in April 1947 with the main purpose of relieving, preventing and curing sickness and all types of bad health. This philosophy was enshrined in the company’s first constitution, and over 43 years it has been combined with a caring ethos that includes patients’ freedom of choice.
The company was originally known as the British United Provident Association, and during inception, Bupa was not considered its own provident association. It took the joining together of several associations such as:
- The British Provident Association
- The Central Provident Association
- The Birmingham Extended Benefit Scheme
- The Oxford and District Provident Association
Several other hospital contributory schemes and associations also joined together to create Bupa. Bupa became a private company that was limited by guarantee and without shareholders.
It took less than a year for the company to grow to over 35,000 customers and a huge majority (80%) in the private health insurance market. Currently, the company serves over 25 million customers around the world, and many of these customers use Bupa to secure funding for dental services in Chatswood.
The company also has deep historical roots in Australia. In fact, the health insurance company that was slated to join Bupa in the early 2000s was founded in the 1930s. Over the past seven decades, Bupa has strived to provide affordable, high-quality health and dental care. The company’s drive has allowed people to live happier, longer and healthier lives.
In the 1990s, Bupa acquired Barbican Healthcare. This was the catalyst the company needed to not only strengthen the company’s occupational screening and health activities but also allowed the company to expand into offering dental services.
How To Find A Bupa Dentist in Chatswood
In today’s society, it is easy to overlook your health as your finances and career often take up the majority of your time and energy. Although you cannot simply ignore these two factors in order to get and remain successful, it is also vital that you take care of your health and well-being as well. It is even more important that you take the time to address your dental health.
In fact, over 90% of tooth loss can be attributed to gum disease and tooth decay. These two oral conditions affect almost 50% of residents in Australia before 12 years of age. These are two dental conditions that are also totally preventable. So, if you are looking for competitive comprehensive dental insurance, you should consider choosing the services of a Bupa Dentist Chatswood Clinic.
Dental Coverage Options with Bupa
It does not matter whether you are a private dental patient or a Medicare in Chatswood, Bupa offer a variety of insurance policies that will allow you to budget for any dental treatments that you may need.
There are several different types of dental cover you can choose with Bupa. The different types are:
- Dental Cover 10
- Dental Cover 20
- Bupa Dental Health Plan
The different treatments that are covered include:
- Routine dental treatment
- Dental treatment
- Emergency dental treatment
- Dental injury
- Oral cancer treatment
- Bad breath
- Missing teeth
- Gum disease
- Root canal therapy
Dental Cover 10
This is a dental insurance policy established for those who are over the age of 18 and want to receive dental services from a NHS dentist. With this type of cover, patients are entitled to receive 100% of the money back they paid for treatment. However, this is based on annual limits and includes routine procedures like X-rays, polishing, scaling and checkups.
Bupa will reimburse patients for dentures, fillings, crowns and other types of non-cosmetic treatments. Although there are some exclusions, repairs due to injury and emergency dental treatments are also covered. Keep in mind that you are under the age of 18 when your dental treatment begins, you are entitled to received NHS treatment free of charge.
There are dental treatments that are not covered by Bupa under this cover such as:
- Mouth guards (covered in Chatswood)
- Orthodontic treatments
- Cosmetic treatments
- Dental implants (covered in Chatswood)
- Preexisting conditions
Dental Cover 20
Bupa’s Dental Cover 20 is a dental cover policy for patients who are privately registered. Bupa will pay up to $250AUD annually for dental treatments like polish, checkups and scaling. The company will also pay up to 75% or $1200AUD for other types of dental treatments like bridges, crowns and fillings after a 120 day waiting period.
The cover is also unlimited for oral cancer treatment and emergency dental treatment. However, there is a waiting period of six months after the cover has been started to receive cover for these treatments in addition to those covered under Dental Cover 10.
As with Dental Cover 10, there are certain procedures that are not covered under this plan including:
- The same prohibited treatments listed for Dental Cover 10
- Experimental dental treatments
- Dental treatments that are required due to war, chemical contamination, nuclear contamination
- Replacing prosthetic appliances within five years of a fitting besides dentures
- Charges for self-administered medications like antibiotics and painkillers
Bupa Dental Health Plan
Anyone who uses a Bupa centre in Chatswood can potentially benefit from enrolling in Bupa’s Dental Health Plan. This type of plan could help you plan and manage routine dental services for you and your family without stressing out about the cost.
When you become a member of Bupa’s Dental Health Plan before visiting a Bupa centre means that you will not be obligated to pay for a new patient exam, and that any dental routine that is not excluded, will also be covered. The amount covered will be based on your cover’s benefit limits.
So, why choose Bupa’s Dental Health Plan for your dental services? You will receive immediate coverage without having to deal with pre-enrollment checks or underwriting. You will also avoid having to fill out forms for any routine that is covered by your dental plan when visiting a Bupa dental treatment centre.
Finally, you will be able to access and speak with a qualified nurse when you contact the Bupa Health Line. The nurse will be able to answer any general health questions you may have.
The process to begin receiving dental services under this health plan is simple. The first thing you will need to do is schedule your appointment. Keep in mind, you are only covered for routine dental services. You can call the booking line so you can book an appointment at a qualified Chatswood Bupa dental centre.
Once you arrived at the centre, you will not have to pay out of pocket for any treatments covered under the plan. However, you will be responsible for costs that are not covered in your benefits plan.
How To Find A Bupa Dental Provider In Chatswood
Currently, there are over 140 Bupa clinics in Australia. The company is dedicated to ensuring your dental health is a top priority. A quick search online will yield the results of every Bupa-owned Members’ First Network Clinic.
Each clinic is accredited so you can be guaranteed the dentist is committed to Bupa’s policy of providing excellent customer service, and the clinic is either accredited or undergoing the accreditation process according to the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards.
For those in the Chatswood area, the Dentist at 13/240 Victoria Ave, Chatswood, is a part of Bupa’s network, ensuring you receive the highest standard of care. You can take proactive steps to ensure your child’s teeth are healthy as well with the No Gaps Kids Dental Program. You will not incur any out-of-pocket expenses for X-rays, annual checkups, or fillings your child may need.
Your dental health is the cornerstone of your overall health and well-being. By choosing a Bupa Dental Centre, like the dentists at 13/240 Victoria Ave, Chatswood, you are ensuring you eliminate your risk of acquiring preventable dental conditions with the right care.
Sakshi Gupta Post Author
Dr. Sakshi Gupta, a University of Adelaide graduate, brings her extensive experience to Simply Dental Chatswood. She is particularly skilled in working with children and nervous patients, making her a trusted dentist in Chatswood. Dr. Sakshi Gupta is passionate about all aspects of general dentistry, with a special focus on preventative care.